Title: 'Semantics in Type to design Brand Identity'
A workshop by Prof. Nanki Nath
Faculty, Graphic Design, National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad
Abstract: This workshop introduces participants to the concepts of beauty and form in Typography alongwith the techniques of visually exploring the Semantics (Expressions) in letterforms as part of selected list of brand names of different products. A digital visual library of
brand identity designs would be shared with participants during the workshop. Participants will also be given handouts describing techniques of meaning making and applying semantics to
letterforms. The activity would involve assigning theme based tasks of identity creations of brand names. Five such tasks would be assigned to five groups to be formulated during the workshop session.
5 groups of letterform cut-outs would be given to these five groups. The final identity designs may represent a concept/ belief / philosophy / vision associated with different brand names The
aim of the workshop would be to explore how meaning making alongwith Semantics of Type can be harmonized in order to synthesize a creative and original Design with Type as a meaningful units of expressions.
Intended audience: Design students, design practitioners, interested doctoral students
No. of participants: 25 only
Materials required:
Participants are expected to bring following:
1) Laptops
About Instructor:
Faculty, Graphic Design, National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad
Short Bio