Logo Design Competition

'Beauty, Form and Function in Typography'
Design a logo for ‘Typography Day 2018’ so that it expresses the theme of the event - 'Beauty, Form and Function in Typography'.
As the conference is being held in Mumbai, we encourage you to include the context of Mumbai in the design of logo.
Calligraphic or digitally created letterforms or existing fonts, or a combination of these can be used for the logo. The logo should also include the words ‘Typography Day 2018’ or ‘Typo Day 2018’.
The resulting logo should be of the size and specification given below. This competition is open to students. The competition is open to all - non resident Indians, as well as foreign citizens can take part in it.
Procedure for selecting student participants:
One idea will be finalized from the submitted lot. The jury will have the right to select, reject or request modifications for the selected logo.
Submission Specifications:
You need to submit the solution along with a brief write-up of around 100 words written in English langauge.
Size of the final logo: 300mm x 100mm only in wide format
Resolution: 300 dpi
File type: JPEG or PDF
Color Mode: CMYK
Write-up + contact Info+Bio:
Format: in RTF, TXT or PDF format
Write up about the design: Maximum 100 words and should be written in English language.
Contact Info: Name, Postal Address, Email, Telephone number, Name and Address of Institution in English.
Your Bio-data/Personal Information: Maximum of 100 words and should be written in English.
Each participant is allowed a maximum of three entries.
(please don't send same logo repeatedly)
Deadline for submission: 30th September 2017
Declaration of results: 31st October 2017
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:
mailing it to: typodayjj2018@gmail.com